
About Chiriga

About Chiriga |
Hi, I'm Chiriga Derrick

I help busy women create supportive, rejuvenating spaces in their homes and businesses that align with their lives, goals, and aspirations, promoting peace and freedom.

My path to entrepreneurship | How I got here |

How I Got Here

Before managing job loss, diving head-first into a set of design businesses during a global pandemic, I was a solution-oriented Marketing and eCommerce Director.

Creating stellar in-store and online customer experiences, improving conversion rates, and sharing award-winning content, I recognized that I'm at my brightest sharing what I know, inspiring a team, and help others to be their best.

Still, I didn't take the carefully planned smooth road to entrepreneurship as life has gotten in the way more than once. Try renovating a fixer-upper with twin two-year-olds and a 8 year-old with an unreliable contractor.

While living this over-schedule ambitious family life, I've dug in, read every book, blog and how-to, and soaked up all the lessons; every win and opportunity life has provided. As I result I have become the person others ask for advice on interior design, renovation, increasing house value, and juggling family obligations while working. I have styled events, photo-shoots, commercial sets, and renovated offices, retail stores, and homes all making sure that "it works".

Impacting Lives

What I discovered is your home should be a reflection of the people who live there, be a restorative and restful space that nurtures your wellbeing, regardless of size, budget, and the age of the kids and pets who also live there.

Good design in business and at home has power to impact lives. Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, my focus has been on making this transformative power accessible to all. I particularly enjoy collaborating with working moms, guiding them towards a life filled with possibilities and empowering them to embrace their best selves in the present moment, rather than waiting for the future.

So as I manage life's latest curveball, I press play on launching my business, making sure you and your family get the most out of the space you live in.

How? By working with you in a way that fits your preference, timeline, and budget. 


Let Me Show You How
How good design impacts lives | Impacting Lives |

My Fun Facts...

Getting to know me | My Fun Facts |
  1. I grew up listening to my Dad spin records and have a love for a wide range of music. I have a soundtrack in my mind to match every memory.
  2. Movie watching is also my thing, actually the Derrick family's thing, so I also reference movie reference for most situations and can usually tell you where you've seen that actor before.
  3. Rounding out my loves are...Shoes! Can you ever have enough? I love heels, sneakers and everything in between.
  4. I am a first generation Canadian but my Jamaican background is a huge part of me and one that I pass down to my boys.
  5. After my favourite Caribbean and Indian dishes curtsey of my Mom, I go-to are Asian food.

Let's figure out your next step...

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