
Discovering Brussels Sprout Joy: Try Our Family-Inspired Salad Recipe

family + lifestyle recipes
Brussel Sprout Salad Joy | Chiriga's Curated Compass Blog |

There are dishes from our childhood that stick in our memories—sometimes with a smile, and other times as tales of character building. Brussel sprouts, for me, fall into the latter category. They symbolize those long, stubborn standoffs at the dinner table, where time passed but my determination remained unfazed. The boiled Brussel sprouts I grew up with were far from appetizing, sporting a dull green color and a mushy texture that turned every meal into a test of patience. My Dad's unwavering love for plain, boiled brussels sprouts was so remarkable that even my 7-year-old self wondered if we were truly related.

Countless evenings, I often found myself stuck to the kitchen chair, eyes fixed on the ticking of the 80s modern black and white clock. I was convinced that if the short hand made its way around, I'd be released from the "jail" I felt trapped in, and I could finally enjoy my favorite evening TV show. Unfortunately, this was a battle I don't think I ever won; instead, I ended up facing the dreaded fate of cold Brussel sprouts. Not a triumphant child, just a slightly hungry one, feeling resigned and maybe even missing the Huxtable's TV adventures.

However, time has a way of turning even the most bitter tastes sweeter. It was in adulthood that I stumbled upon a revelation that the traumatizing veggie was the main ingredient in my favourite Costco salad. It open my eyes to a recipe that transformed my once-disliked Brussel sprouts into the star of brunch time! Enter this sweet and salty Brussel Sprout Salad, the dish that forever altered the story. Loved by my boys, it now graces our family table without fail, like the kitchen clock's unwavering presence.

Join me as I guide you through an upgraded version of this salad, teeming with flavor and texture, charming even the skeptics.


Maple Mustard Dressing Ingredients:

  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup (or try honey for a different twist)
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (or raspberry vinegar for a fruity depth)
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • Sea salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste


Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 lb Brussels sprouts, trimmed and thinly sliced
  • 1-2 heads of romaine lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 large Honeycrisp or Fuji apple, chopped
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup toasted pecans or almond slivers (for that satisfying crunch)
  • 1/2 cup crumbled feta or shaved parmesan cheese (optional, but adds a lovely savory note)
  • Pomegranate seeds or crispy pancetta (optional, for a unique flavor profile)


Recipe Directions:

  1. Begin by whisking together all the ingredients for your Maple Mustard Dressing in a bowl until well combined. Set the dressing aside for the flavors to meld together.
  1. Place your sliced Brussel sprouts in a large mixing bowl. Add the romaine lettuce, providing a fresh, sturdy base for our salad.
  1. Toss in the chopped apple and dried cranberries, adding a natural sweetness that defies any former preconceptions of this cruciferous vegetable.
  1. Introduce the toasted nuts, adding a layer of crunch that juxtaposes beautifully with the softer elements of the salad.
  1. If opting for cheese, sprinkle your feta or parmesan across the salad for a delicate infusion of flavor. The pomegranate seeds or crispy pancetta make an adventurous addition, creating a medley of flavors that dance on the palate. Note you can use crispy bacon as a substitute for pancetta and consider turkey or chicken bacon if you stay away from pork.
  1. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and mix gently until everything is evenly coated with the sweet and tangy goodness.
  1. Serve immediately to ensure it doesn't become soggy.


Ensuring inclusivity for all dietary choices, the salad can be easily modified with vegan cheese or left cheese-free. Gluten-free and as hearty as it is scrumptious, it's a multigenerational hit that brings not only nutrition but also nostalgia and innovation to your brunch repertoire.

As a part of a dinner menu, I serve this salad with a roasted chicken, sliced flank steak or grilled salmon, creating a balanced meal that compliments the savory components of the main dish. It's always an adventurous joy to discover new recipes and revive old ones with a fresh perspective, and this salad has done just that for my family—transforming what was once a battle into a shared love for Brussel sprouts. Let it do the same for yours!


A Moment of Reflection

Looking back on those childhood moments, I can't help but smile warmly. Now, as my family gathers, the cheerful chatter and the clinking of forks against plates fill the room, replacing the quiet ticking of the old kitchen clock. We're crafting new stories over familiar dishes, realizing that with a dash of creativity and culinary bravery, any veggie foe from the past can transform into a beloved, nourishing hero.

Who knew that all it would take to mend my relationship with Brussel sprouts was a sprinkle of imagination and a dash of familial love? From our kitchen to yours, may this recipe bring warmth, laughter, and maybe even a newfound appreciation for those once-infamous Brussel sprouts.



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