The Clearing How-To Diary

Curate Your Space, Elevate Your Life

Break free + discover mindful living.


Step into the tranquility of an expertly curated living space with the Clearing How-To Diary, your  guide to intentional living and personal well-being. Expertly crafted, this 45-page eBook priced at just $15, unveils the hidden secrets to creating a sanctuary that mirrors your aspirations and personal style.

Get Started Now

The Clear Advantage

Whether you are a busy parent, a home decor lover, personal growth enthusiast, or simply someone looking to infuse mindfulness into your everyday life, the Clearing How-To Diary offers beginner to advanced techniques that empower you to take control of your space and, by extension, create clarity of mind.


Discover a Diary Like No Other

Forget one-size-fits-all decluttering manuals. This diary uses an intentional method that leads you through mindful curation over mere decluttering. It's a holistic approach to transforming your home—and your life—into a reflection of your deepest aspirations. The Clearing How-To Diary guides you through the first, yet most rewarding step towards any elevation.


Check Out What's Inside:


Practical Step-by-Step Guidance:

Tap into a comprehensive clearing process with dedicated chapters letting you deep-dive room by room, from your vibrant living space to the serenity of your bedroom.


Empowering Self-Discovery:

Engage in thought-provoking questions and reflective prompts that steer you toward lasting change and self-discovery through the art of clearing.


Inclusive Family Involvement:

Learn valuable tips on how to involve your entire family in the joyous activity of editing your shared home for a collective personalized transformation.


Tailored Tips for Various Spaces:

Elevate each unique space in your home with curated and actionable clearing techniques, ensuring every nook serves its purpose with beauty and simplicity.

Get Clear

Why Choose the Clearing How-To Diary?

1. Experience from an Expert: Benefit from Chiriga's wisdom, whose professional background in interior design adds a layer of sophistication to every tip included.

2. A Focus on Well-being: This is more than an organizational guide—it’s a blueprint for a mindful, intentional life that prioritizes well-being and inner harmony.

3. Engaging and Interactive: More than just reading, this diary invites you to participate, contemplate, and journal your way to a clearer home and mind.

4. Family-Friendly Approach: Inclusive strategies ensure that clearing becomes a family affair, promoting unity and shared responsibility.

5. Lifestyle Alignment: Learn to create an environment that truly aligns with your goals, aspirations, and lifestyle needs for a more purposeful everyday living.

"By far the most rewarding impactful step in any lasting transformation"

Chiriga Derrick



download the diary for $15
The Clearing How-To Diary

Take the First Step Towards a Clearer Life Today

Bid farewell to the weight of unnecessary belongings and welcome the abundance that a clear space brings. With just a few clicks, you can download your own copy of the Clearing How-To Diary eBook and join countless others on the fulfilling path to mindful, curated living.

Ready to start curating your life?

Begin your clearing adventure and shape a life brimming with intention and beauty!

Download Your Copy Now for just $15!